***Please do not dispose of your current year disposal card, if you have purchased next year's disposal card you will still need the current year's card. You will be charged a replacement fee if you no longer have your card.***
Solid Waste Disposal Cards
A valid Madison County Solid Waste Disposal Card is required when disposing of waste in Madison County's Solid Waste disposal facilities. The annual fee is included on the property tax bill. The solid waste disposal card will be issued along with receipt of payment. Please keep the card in a secure place as you would any credit card; it is your key to solid waste disposal in Madison County. Your solid waste disposal card will be honored when disposing of your waste at Madison County's solid Waste Collection Center and at the County Landfill. Display your card to the attendant on duty at the Collection Centers or at the scale house window when entering the Landfill. The card will have the owner's name and numerical number that can be identified if attempted use is made by a wrongful holder.