If it is located on the right or left side of the road
A brief description of your house
Driveways with 3 or more structures on them will be named.
What is E911 addressing?
A 911 Address is the physical address of your structure. When you dial 911 from a landline phone in an emergency, this location information is available to dispatcher.
How are addresses assigned?
Our address system is based on mileage.
Example: The address of 1000 Medical Park Dr would mean that you are 1 mile on the right side of the road. The address of 501 Medical Park Dr would mean that you are ½ mile on the left side of the road.
What do I do if my road sign is missing?
Contact Madison County EOC at 828-649-3602, the road sign will be reordered. Signs are ordered at the end of each month, it takes approximately 4 to 6 weeks to receive them.
How is a road named?
When a driveway has 3 or more structures on it, it will have to be named. We will give you a Road Name Petition to be signed by the property owners sharing the driveway. We ask that the property owners to choose road names that everyone agrees on; return the petition to Madison County EOC we will map the new road and assign addresses.
How to post my house number?
If your home is less than 100ft from the road you must display your number at, or near your front door with numbers at least 3 inches tall.
If your home is not visible from the road or your house is more than 100ft from the road display your numbers at your driveway at least 3 inches tall.
You may post your numbers on the mailbox if it is in front of your house and the only mailbox. Your number should be on both sides of the mailbox with numbers at least 3 inches tall.
If you live in an apartment building or multi-unit complex, the address must be displayed at or near the center of the building with numbers at least 6 inches tall. Each apartment must also display individual number at or near the doorway.
Mobile Home Parks each lot must be marked with a house number.
Businesses must display their address numbers at least 6 inches tall.